Anurag Sarkar Everyday blogs

Journey from 100k lines of code to 20k lines of platform at AWS

How we broke up our giant monolith into micro-platforms.

Microservices and metrics

Having a clear view of a microservice is important and metrics help us get there.

Service Level Resiliency

Resiliency is the ability of a system to gracefully handle and recover from failures

Scope of a Microservice

Imagine you are going to rewrite a piece of a huge monolith system that has tens and thousands of lines of code

How to write a test

There is a smart way and a boring way to test code. I never chose the smart way to write a test. I did what everyone else did. Dont be like me, write smart test and save yourself sometime to play FIFA.

Logging Like a Pro

Logging is Hard especially when it comes to microservices. Sometimes logs do not give enough information and sometimes so much that it is redundant